MindCET is quite unique because it offers programs both for the startups and the mature companies. It was founded...
Archive for month: November, 2017
Venture capitalists in Germany scale newer heights of success in 2017 According to Trading Economics, Germany’s investment climate is...
Nautilus was founded in 2003 with an aim to facilitate the entrepreneurs coming from around the world to build...
Upwest Labs is a US-based accelerator supporting the Israel’s best tech entrepreneurs. It is an early stage fund and...
Plarium Labs offers new startups a comprehensive marketing plan, a fundraising scheme and the price alternatives. The board of mentors...
hiCenter Ventures was founded in 2008 with an aim to funding, mentoring and assisting the entrepreneurs in all the...
The Junction offers an opportunity to startup to develop their products and business into mature and prosperous companies. Until...
Empowered patients and their role in digital prevention Who is an ‘empowered patient’? Knowledge is power!!! A patient equipped...
Microsoft Accelerator helps startups climb the pedestal of success. It boasts of having 114 investments and 7 exits...
MEDICA Health IT Forum 2017 enthralls digital health enthusiasts on day 2
, News & Events, Health IT Forum 2017MEDICA Health IT Forum 2017 Day 2 Digital health enthusiasts in the city of Düsseldorf found themselves witnessing panel discussions...
The critical role of 5G transforming digital healthcare | Why its decisive?
July 16, 201926 Innovative digital health, eHealth, mHealth startups in Sweden
July 15, 2019AT&T-OneLife collaborate to release LTE-M connection smartwatch
July 2, 2019Mobile apps making hospital visits less scary for children | Digital apps for pediatric care
June 21, 2019Top 10 Doctor-Patient platforms in India | Most successful digital health business model in India
June 7, 2019Digitization of preventive health care | The future of Medicine
June 3, 2019European Health Catapult acceleration program invites applications from MedTech, BioTech startups
June 3, 2019