Google’s AI can predict heart diseases by scanning retina What if some automated technology looks at your eyes and...
Archive for month: February, 2018
Nuance launches AI virtual assistant for healthcare to improve clinical workflow
AI virtual assistant for healthcare Nuance Communications Inc holds a reputation for being behind the virtual assistants for a...
Electronic Health Records already obsolete? Lets talk about Comprehensive Health Record |
Transitioning to Comprehensive Health Record (CHR) An electronic health record can be simply defined as the official health documentation...
Growth of digital health startup market in Israel In 2005, Israel had just 65 active companies in its digital...
Nokia pilots blockchain technology for connected health data | Blockchain in digital health
, Technology, Medical BlockchainBlockchain in digital health sector: The latest revolution The blockchain concept entails a growing and continuous list of records...
Ransomware: A brief overview Ransom malware, also known as ransomware, is sort of cyber-attack. This attack prevents the authorized...
Google’s deep learning tool for genome sequencing goes open source
, Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Genome SequencingGoogle DeepVariant: Deep learning tool for genome sequencing What is genome sequencing? Genome Sequencing is associated with determining the...
Digital Health US: Startups fixing US healthcare sector For over 100 years, the United States has struggled to create...
Is Indian healthcare system ready for AI & cloud based digital health technologies?
, Policy, Digital Health India, IndiaHow relevant are high tech solutions such as AI & cloud for Digital Health India? The 21st century has...
57 Innovative digital health, eHealth, mHealth startups in Australia We have compiled a list of 57 Innovative digital health,...
The critical role of 5G transforming digital healthcare | Why its decisive?
July 16, 201926 Innovative digital health, eHealth, mHealth startups in Sweden
July 15, 2019AT&T-OneLife collaborate to release LTE-M connection smartwatch
July 2, 2019Mobile apps making hospital visits less scary for children | Digital apps for pediatric care
June 21, 2019Top 10 Doctor-Patient platforms in India | Most successful digital health business model in India
June 7, 2019Digitization of preventive health care | The future of Medicine
June 3, 2019European Health Catapult acceleration program invites applications from MedTech, BioTech startups
June 3, 2019