MEDITECH comes up with EHR-integrated prescription pricing tool MEDITECH has integrated DrFirst’s myBenefitCheck into MEDITECH Expanse EHR to allow...
Archive for month: November, 2018
Machine Fooling If anyone has read Neil Stephenson’s Snow Crash, he knows about a scene where you can scramble...
Scientists develop a novel blood test to detect early-stage cancer
Scientists develop a novel blood test to detect early-stage cancer Based on findings published in the journal Nature, a...
MEDICA 2018 comes to a successful close in Düsseldorf, Germany For 2018, MEDICA and COMPAMED trade fairs have been...
New pathways in gene therapy | Curing diseases with genetic mutations
, Medtech, Technology, Future MedicineNew pathways in gene therapy When we create a computer program, sometimes bugs occur. Developers have to locate the...
FDA open sources mobile app to collect patient-generated data
, Policy, Technology, Mobile Health TechnologyFDA open sources mobile app to collect patient-generated data The Food and Drug Administration agency of the US recently...
Challenges Faced by Digital Health Startups | Challenges in ehealth India
, Markets, Startup, Digital Health IndiaChallenges in ehealth sector in India In the last decade Indian start-up environment has developed many-fold. With the digital...
The critical role of 5G transforming digital healthcare | Why its decisive?
July 16, 201926 Innovative digital health, eHealth, mHealth startups in Sweden
July 15, 2019AT&T-OneLife collaborate to release LTE-M connection smartwatch
July 2, 2019Mobile apps making hospital visits less scary for children | Digital apps for pediatric care
June 21, 2019Top 10 Doctor-Patient platforms in India | Most successful digital health business model in India
June 7, 2019Digitization of preventive health care | The future of Medicine
June 3, 2019European Health Catapult acceleration program invites applications from MedTech, BioTech startups
June 3, 2019