US health technology company develops a mobile app for early-stage Dementia

mobile app for early-stage dementia

SMART Brain Aging develops a mobile app for early-stage Dementia

Brain U Lite and Brain U Online iOS apps have been developed to cure early-stage dementia and brain aging. Early-stage dementia and brain aging can be slowed down up to 45% by following exercises on these apps.

SMART Brain Aging, Inc working for healthcare technologies announced an intervention program for aging brain health. The program is Brain U Online, which is now available for people over 50 years. This can be accessed by online subscription on the iOS app called Brain U Lite. This program took 5 years to develop with 3000 participants at Harvard Medical School and Boston University School of Medicine. They did many clinical trials before launching the program.

Dementia is an overall term used to narrate a bunch of symbols corresponding to the lack of memory and other thinking skills. These are harmful enough to reduce a person’s ability to think and work properly every day. Alzheimer is the most common type of dementia. Almost 60-80 percent of Dementia patient is suffering from Alzheimer. The second most common type of dementia is what happens after a stroke, called Vascular dementia. There are so many other problems that count as dementia symbol. Some of them are reversible, such as vitamin deficiencies and thyroid.

Brain U Online and Brain U Lite are used by country’s all reliable memory care facilities. These are the world’s first programs developed scientifically-supported for early-stage dementia and aging adults.

If started early and followed properly with all physical exercises it can delay the disease development by up to 2.5 years. Also, the diseases’ negative effects can be decreased by 45%.

Worldwide, 60 million people are suffering from dementia and the number is assumed to get triple in next 10-12 years. According to World Health Organization, in every 3 seconds, someone is taken as a victim of dementia. National Institute on Aging has recently in a study stated that with a change in lifestyle, adapting good living and change in nutrition habits can slow down early stage dementia.

Brain U Online has more than 20,0000 exercises for memory strengthening.

Developed by a geriatric clinical neuropsychologist and researcher Dr. John DenBeor focused the exercises on the app on executive function and processing speed of the human brain including speech, memory, language, concentration, and attention.

The other Brain U Lite app has hundreds of exercise designed to be used anytime after physical exercise.

Brain U Lite has various exercises in smaller sections of exercises. Brain U Lite and Brain U Online aren’t for teaching purpose. They don’t teach you how to use your brain’s capabilities, nothing like a brain training game. They are more like a therapy which uses new learning of brain that unleashes the areas of the brain.

This releases the neuroprotective chemicals which do not let the brain cortex shrink and slow down the cognitive impairment. Both the apps take into account visuals and hearing impairments. The person on the screen reads the exercise and also handwriting help and incorporating larger text.

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