MEDICA Health IT Forum 2017 Day 2
Digital health enthusiasts in the city of Düsseldorf found themselves witnessing panel discussions on latest digital health technology, industry trends, as well as eHealth Venture Summit. eHealth Venture Summit, indispensable part of Health IT Forum, give the participants an opportunity to discover the hottest trends and innovation in Health IT as well as showcases companies to foster strategic partnerships.

Dr. Hempel and Team
Program of Medica Day 2
Red Stage
11.00 – 14.00 h : eHealth Venture Summit
11.00 – 11.20 h: Networking
11.20 – 11.25 h: Introduction
Dr. Stefan Becke
11:25 – 12:50 h: Start-up Panel for the eHealth Venture Summit Award 2017
Chair: Prof. Dr. Jochen Werner and Prof. Dr. Talya Miron-Shatz
12:50 – 13:00 h: Novel uses and needs in digital health
Prof. Dr. Talya Miron-shatz
13:00 – 13:40 h: Funding Panel: Who funds digital health and what are they looking for?
Chair: Prof. Dr. Talya Miron-Shatz
- Christian Piepenbrock, Innovation and Business Development
Consultant – Amgen Research, Berlin, Germany - Clara Leonard, Associate, dHealth Ventures, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Martin Pfi ster, High Tech Gründerfonds, Bonn, Germany - Mr. Caspar Graf Stauffenberg, CatCap GmbH, München,
Germany - Prof. Talya Miron-Shatz, Center for Medical Decision Making,
Business School, Ono Academic College, Kiryat Ono, Israel and
Center for Medicine in the Public Interest, New York, USA - Prof. Dr. med. Jochen Werner, CEO University Hospital Essen,
Essen, Germany - Dr. med. Stefan Becker, M. B. A. , University Hospital Essen,
Essen, Germany - Diana Rucinschi, Executive Agency for Small and Medium Sized
Enterprises, Brussels, Belgium
13:40 – 13:50 h: Winner of mHealth Israel: Aidoc – Deep Learning-based AI startup in the radiology space
Mr. Elad Walach
13:50 – 14:00 h: Award Ceremony
14.30 – 17.30 h: Digital Health: “Internetmedizin” & Patient Empowerment
14.30 – 15.20 h: x-Health – how Digital Technology is changing power dynamics between doctors and patients
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Britta Böckmann, FH Dortmund / Expert Circle MHIF
- Ulrike Anders, Design Lead BARMER, Founder Health 2.0
Berlin - Dr. Martin Hirsch, Founder ADA
- Dr. Tobias Gantner, CEO HealthCare Futurists
- Julia Hagen, Speaker Health & Pharma at Bitkom e. V.
- Katina Sostmann, Creative Director Digital, Aperto –
an IBM Company
15.30 – 16.20 h: eMental Health: new applications and pathways in therapy
Moderation & Keynote: Prof. Dr. Silke Schmidt, Department Health and Prevention, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald; Expert Circle MHIF
- Dr. Elena Heber, GET.ON GmbH
- Farina Schurzfeld, Founder, Selfapy
- Prof. Dr. Galina Ivanova, Director Biomedical Data Science, InfAI – Institute for Applied Informatics e. V., Universität Leipzig
- Joris Moolenaar, Founder and CEO, Karify
- Benjamin Vahle, Co-Founder & CEO Bluebird
16.30 – 17.30 h: Digital Care – how care will look like in the near future
Moderation: Dr. Florian Caspari, CEO Töchter & Söhne Gesellschaft für digitale Helfer mbH
- Tim Kahrmann, CEO Pfl egix
- Güven Karakuzu, IT-Labs GmbH
- Diana Heinrichs, CEO Lindera GmbH
- Giuseppe Conti, Ph.D, CTO, Nively

An exhibitor interacting with a visitor
Green Stage
11.00 – 14.00 h: The First Health IT Forum World Café 2017
Presentor: Frost & Sullivan
Moderation: Ch. Rode-Schubert, TCI GmbH
Healthcare Megatrends Presentation
Audience Participation Poll on Smartphone App
Background & Explanation of World Café Format
World Café – Round 1
World Café – Round 2
World Café – Round 3
World Café Table Hosts Present Summaries
Key Takeaways + Thanks to Participants / Audience
Internet of Medical Things Presentation
Audience Participation Poll on Smartphone App
Background & Explanation of World Café Format
World Café – Round 1
World Café – Round 2
World Café – Round 3
World Café Table Hosts Present Summaries
Key Takeaways + Thanks to Participants / Audience
Vendor Presentation, followed by 1-on-1 networking
14.00 – 14.50 h: Wie funktioniert das vernetzte Krankenhaus – Überleitung und Patienteneinbeziehung statt Überraschungslogistik
Michael Franz, CompuGroup
15.00 – 15.25 h: Spielerische Gesundheitsförderung mit Serious Games Technologies
Dr. Stephan Goebel, httc e. V., Innovationsnetzwer Serious Games Technologies

15.30 – 15.55 h: Core Data
Josephine Yang, Sales Manager at EPS Bio Technology Corp.
16.00 – 16.50 h: 3rd Party Software im Medizinprodukt – die Büchse der Pandora?
Peter Nix, softgate
The second day of world’s biggest medical trade fair, Medica, concluded as the setting sun painted the sky with different hues of red and the visitors left enthusiastically looking forward to the next day of this grand event.