Huawei precision medicine cloud It brings no surprise that the area of genomics is incentivizing and attracting tech giants...
Tag Archive for: Precision medicine
Deloitte-Vineti healthcare collaboration to develop cloud-based precision medicine solutions
Deloitte, Vineti partner for cloud-based precision medicine platform The gene therapy initiative co-developed by GE and the Mayo Clinic...
US precision medicine startup, raises funding of $10 Million
US precision medicine startup, raises funding of $10 Million is gaining extra funds to help evolve its...
Akuouos, US-based precision genetic medicine company raises funding of $50 Million
, Startup, Technology, Precision medicine, Startup FinancingAkouos, US-based precision genetic medicine company raises funding of $50 million Akouos is developing targeted adeno-associated viral vector (AAV)-based...
2bPrecise collaborates with PierianDx to provide precision medicine solution
, Collaboration, Technology, Precision medicine2bPrecise collaborates with PierianDx to provide precision medicine solution The collaboration will offer a comprehensive precision medicine solution that...
New York-based Fitango Health launches oncology precision medicine app
, Startup, Technology, Precision medicineFitango Health launches oncology precision medicine app Integrated care management and engagement software launched by Fitango Health for aiding...
Video -How precise is medicine today and what will change? SAP Health, HIMSS Europe, Precision Medicine Alliance
, Technology, Precision medicineHow precise is medicine today and what will change? #PrecisionMedicine Moderation: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Hans-Peter Deigner, Hochschule...
Every human is different from another. Even in some cases, they look similar, but their genetic or molecular profile...
The critical role of 5G transforming digital healthcare | Why its decisive?
July 16, 201926 Innovative digital health, eHealth, mHealth startups in Sweden
July 15, 2019AT&T-OneLife collaborate to release LTE-M connection smartwatch
July 2, 2019Mobile apps making hospital visits less scary for children | Digital apps for pediatric care
June 21, 2019Top 10 Doctor-Patient platforms in India | Most successful digital health business model in India
June 7, 2019Digitization of preventive health care | The future of Medicine
June 3, 2019European Health Catapult acceleration program invites applications from MedTech, BioTech startups
June 3, 2019