LTE-M connection smartwatch AT & T and One-Life have recently created the OnePulse smartwatch with LTE-M certification, which has...
Tag Archive for: Wearable
Samsung launches fitness-focused wearables at Unpack 2019 Event
Samsung launches fitness-focused wearables at Unpack 2019 Event Samsung launched the Galaxy Watch Active and Galaxy Fit at Unpack...
Ekso Bionics target the exoskeleton market in Asia A $100M joint venture between Ekso Bionics, Zhejiang Youchuang, and Zhejiang...
Seizure detecting wearable device gets FDA clearance FDA has recently cleared Embrace2, a wrist-worn wearable device, as safe for...
The growing market of Theranostic implants | A continuous loop of diagnostics & therapeutics
, Medtech, Technology, Future Medicine, WearableThe growing market of Theranostic implants What if there was a device which is capable of diagnosing an ailment...
What are Bionic implants? In the 1970s, a US Television show called the Six Million Dollar Man was created....
Amazon launches Choice product to develop wearable device for diabetes, cardiovascular diseases
, Collaboration, Startup, WearableAmazon launches Choice product to develop a wearable device for diabetes, cardiovascular diseases Amazon and Arcadia Group together launch...
San Diego-based startup launches wearable device to monitor urinary incontinence
, Startup, Technology, WearableSan Diego-based startup launches a wearable device to monitor urinary incontinence Triple W, a San Diego based startup has...
Washable smart clothing At this point, we have many magazines that often feature design and fashion kingpins of the...
The critical role of 5G transforming digital healthcare | Why its decisive?
July 16, 201926 Innovative digital health, eHealth, mHealth startups in Sweden
July 15, 2019AT&T-OneLife collaborate to release LTE-M connection smartwatch
July 2, 2019Mobile apps making hospital visits less scary for children | Digital apps for pediatric care
June 21, 2019Top 10 Doctor-Patient platforms in India | Most successful digital health business model in India
June 7, 2019Digitization of preventive health care | The future of Medicine
June 3, 2019European Health Catapult acceleration program invites applications from MedTech, BioTech startups
June 3, 2019